"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7
"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Happy New Year!
It's been a long time since I've updated. I guess I just haven't felt like it. I've done a good bit, but I just didn't take pictures of anything. I finished my last semester of school and now it's on to my internship. I would be very excited about this, but all I really want to do is get married so I just want to fast forward to May already.
In December I found my wedding dress! My mom, Katie, Shannon, Laura, and I all took a trip to Florence to visit David's Bridal. I had a lot of fun with all my ladies. We had lunch at Olive Garden and then we went to the appointment. I tried on three dresses and I picked the very first dress I tried on. It took me around 20 minutes to find my dress and veil. My bridal consultant, Ashley, said I was the easiest bride she ever had. I'm not so sure Jimmie would agree. :)
After I chose my dress, I got to sit in it and watch the bridesmaids try their dresses on. I originally picked a dress for them off the website months before we went to David's Bridal, and when I went back to print it out the night before we went, they had taken it off! I was so upset. The closest I could find was an online exclusive so I printed that off. When I showed them the picture, they said they had a dress similar like that, and they ended up bringing out the original dress I wanted all along! It was a good day. I have lots of pictures but I was in the dress I chose for most of them so I obviously can't post of them. I will post a picture of the one I didn't choose, though.
I had a reallly good time with Jimmie during his Christmas leave. It just always goes so fast. We were pretty lazy the whole time and didn't do much of anything, but that's how I liked it. I didn't take a single picture of Christmas or New Year's for that matter. I really should have taken New Year's pictures because we had a lot of fun. We played Taboo and Charades. Typical night with the Holbrooks. And also typical was the fact that the girls lost at everything. Oh well, at least we will look the best at the wedding!
This is so out of order, but here are some Marine Corps ball pictures from back in November (I am too lazy to copy and paste them in order now). It was in the same place as last year, they had the same thing to eat, and it was almost to the exact date of the one last year. Jimmie was pretty disappointed in the ceremony and the fact that they couldn't get the commandant's message to play. They were also slow as molasses with the food so we left and went to Apple Bee's. The service there was also slow as molasses and the food was equally as awful. So far, I am not a fan of that place. The hotel was the only good thing about the place. Anyway, here are some pictures we took before we left.
In December I found my wedding dress! My mom, Katie, Shannon, Laura, and I all took a trip to Florence to visit David's Bridal. I had a lot of fun with all my ladies. We had lunch at Olive Garden and then we went to the appointment. I tried on three dresses and I picked the very first dress I tried on. It took me around 20 minutes to find my dress and veil. My bridal consultant, Ashley, said I was the easiest bride she ever had. I'm not so sure Jimmie would agree. :)
After I chose my dress, I got to sit in it and watch the bridesmaids try their dresses on. I originally picked a dress for them off the website months before we went to David's Bridal, and when I went back to print it out the night before we went, they had taken it off! I was so upset. The closest I could find was an online exclusive so I printed that off. When I showed them the picture, they said they had a dress similar like that, and they ended up bringing out the original dress I wanted all along! It was a good day. I have lots of pictures but I was in the dress I chose for most of them so I obviously can't post of them. I will post a picture of the one I didn't choose, though.
This is the dress I DIDN'T choose. Because eh. I really wasn't a fan of what it looked like from the waist down
This is the dress I chose for the girls to wear. It flatters all of their figures and they will look great! I am so excited! The color will be horizon to try and match the dress blues.
I had a reallly good time with Jimmie during his Christmas leave. It just always goes so fast. We were pretty lazy the whole time and didn't do much of anything, but that's how I liked it. I didn't take a single picture of Christmas or New Year's for that matter. I really should have taken New Year's pictures because we had a lot of fun. We played Taboo and Charades. Typical night with the Holbrooks. And also typical was the fact that the girls lost at everything. Oh well, at least we will look the best at the wedding!
This is so out of order, but here are some Marine Corps ball pictures from back in November (I am too lazy to copy and paste them in order now). It was in the same place as last year, they had the same thing to eat, and it was almost to the exact date of the one last year. Jimmie was pretty disappointed in the ceremony and the fact that they couldn't get the commandant's message to play. They were also slow as molasses with the food so we left and went to Apple Bee's. The service there was also slow as molasses and the food was equally as awful. So far, I am not a fan of that place. The hotel was the only good thing about the place. Anyway, here are some pictures we took before we left.
Monday, November 1, 2010
October is over!
But it was nice on its way out. I had a good time with Jimmie this weekend. On Saturday, we ate at Carrabba's and then went to go see Into the Woods at the Theatre of the Republic. It was really good! I'm not much for plays, but I did like this one. There are a lot of talented singer/actors there and I would definitely go again. Even though the play was long, it was good. I want to go see the Christmas show in December. I love Christmas shows. =) Anyway, this is Jimmie and me after the play. I made him take one so we could have one of our four year anniversary (celebrated two days late).
Halloween was pretty fun, minus Jimmie having to go back to base. I'm sure he was thrilled to miss out on Trunk-or-Treat so he wouldn't have to dress up. I, on the other hand,did not get so lucky, so I ended up going as the Pharaoh's daughter. I even had my baby in the basket, Moses, of course. This was my favorite bible story when I was little because it combined my two favorite things: princesses and babies! Here are a few pictures. I didn't really take that many, like I should have. I was too busy giving out candy. But anyway, here are a few.
Halloween was pretty fun, minus Jimmie having to go back to base. I'm sure he was thrilled to miss out on Trunk-or-Treat so he wouldn't have to dress up. I, on the other hand,
My mommy and me. Ignore the fact that my butterflies are upside down. My face always looks huuuge next to hers.
This is John. He was feeding the dog his potato chips He seemed surprised everyone was letting him do it. Cute, huh? =)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Let's hope this sticks...
As of right now, Jimmie and I are getting married on May 28th! I just got his battalion training schedule this week and they won't be gone on May 28th so I went ahead and booked Sidewheeler for the reception site. It was the only date not booked and we were able to get it. It has to be fate! Now all we have to do is get his company training schedule and hope they won't be gone on May 28th, either. I figured I would rather lose the $150 deposit if we have to change the date than lose the building if we get the go-ahead only to find out it had already been booked by someone else. If that makes any sense at all.
That's all that's been going on as far as wedding planning goes. Other than that, I've just been trying to survive October and get all my school work done. I don't even have any pictures to post. Maybe I will after this weekend with Trunk or Treat and Jimmie and I celebrating our four year anniversary. =)
That's all that's been going on as far as wedding planning goes. Other than that, I've just been trying to survive October and get all my school work done. I don't even have any pictures to post. Maybe I will after this weekend with Trunk or Treat and Jimmie and I celebrating our four year anniversary. =)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Finally! It's happened to me!
...I like that song. Anyway, I'M ENGAGED!!! I'm sure everyone saw it on facebook, but I don't really care. I don't get sick of telling people. I have waited wayyy too long for this moment to be quiet about it.
Jimmie proposed to me on September 3rd (Labor Day weekend) and I wasn't expecting it at all. In fact, I told Katie I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen that weekend. Well, surprise! It did. We were just hanging out and he pulls out the ring and asks me. =) And I got to wear it all of two hours until he took it back because he "didn't ask for my dad's permission yet." So I had to go home that night and act like nothing happened because Jimmie was achicken. Actually, that's kind of appropriate for us. We never have anything together.
So Saturday I was finally able to tell everyone the good news and show them my ring. And let me just say, it is gorgeous! I love it, love it, love it. I make sure to tell him what a good job he did all the time. He rolls his eyes at me for looking at it in the sunlight, but really, he should be flattered. Here are a few pictures. =)
As far as wedding planning goes, it's kind of difficult. I would like to get married before his next deployment but we don't have his training schedule yet. He apparently got a rough estimate of the dates he'll be gone, so I guess I'll see how rough it is when he calls tonight. I have made some choices, though. I want my cake to look like this:
Minus the bow and the pearls. I like the pearls at the bottom of the tiers but I don't know about the rest. I'll probably decide to add some flowers in the corners just so it doesn't look so plain. I have learned that I am a boring, plain, square person. I can't help it, I like simplicity.
And as far as the location, I'm thinking the River Walk in Conway. It is beautifullll. That's all for now!
Jimmie proposed to me on September 3rd (Labor Day weekend) and I wasn't expecting it at all. In fact, I told Katie I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen that weekend. Well, surprise! It did. We were just hanging out and he pulls out the ring and asks me. =) And I got to wear it all of two hours until he took it back because he "didn't ask for my dad's permission yet." So I had to go home that night and act like nothing happened because Jimmie was a
So Saturday I was finally able to tell everyone the good news and show them my ring. And let me just say, it is gorgeous! I love it, love it, love it. I make sure to tell him what a good job he did all the time. He rolls his eyes at me for looking at it in the sunlight, but really, he should be flattered. Here are a few pictures. =)
As far as wedding planning goes, it's kind of difficult. I would like to get married before his next deployment but we don't have his training schedule yet. He apparently got a rough estimate of the dates he'll be gone, so I guess I'll see how rough it is when he calls tonight. I have made some choices, though. I want my cake to look like this:
Minus the bow and the pearls. I like the pearls at the bottom of the tiers but I don't know about the rest. I'll probably decide to add some flowers in the corners just so it doesn't look so plain. I have learned that I am a boring, plain, square person. I can't help it, I like simplicity.
And as far as the location, I'm thinking the River Walk in Conway. It is beautifullll. That's all for now!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
HE'S HOME!!!!!
I don't think I have ever been as excited as I was last Thursday. My alarm went off at 3 in the morning and I bounded out of bed. Shannon and I were so giddy we couldn't stop bouncing up and down the whole ride up to Jacksonville. We made it to Jacksonville with plenty of time to spare so we hung our signs and hung out at the exchange for a little while. I heard that you are supposed to put slits in the homecoming signs so the wind doesn't rip them apart. Well, I think we put a little too many slits in ours. But whatever, they still worked just fine.
I was too short to reach the top, so I basically watched Shannon do everything
The finished product
We also decorated the car (don't my shoes look fabulous?)
Once we got changed into our nice, pretty dresses we waited and waited. I expected to be sweating from head to toe (and I was a little worried the white part of my dress would become see-through) but it wasn't bad at all! Jimmie kept texting me so I knew when he was close so we could move to where the buses would be. Until that point, we all just sat under a huge oak tree and enjoyed the nice breeze.
Once I got the text that he was on base, I couldn't stop bouncing up and down. Jimmie told us he was on bus 4, so when that bus pulled up, we were all up front waiting for the door to open. Once he FINALLY stepped off the bus I pretty much tackled him. I was so spastic I missed his kiss and he ended up kissing my chin. =) Oh, well. Shannon did a lovely job getting pictures of us.I think he looks really good in this picture =)
Really sweaty and tired of attempting to look pretty
Shannon and I spent the night in Jacksonville because Sean was coming home the next day. I was very excited to take my Jimmiekins home after seven long months. =)
Now I need to change my layout since homecoming has happened!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
In one hour it will be August!!!!
Not like I'm counting or anything. I mean, I've only been waiting for SEVEN MONTHS. Finally! August is here and I will be seeing Jimmie this month. I can't wait! I've had my outfit planned since April and my homecoming sign was finished at the first of July. I am an eager beaver, for sure. See?
Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me update on what I've been doing. I've pretty much been sitting, waiting, and working, but I guess I can squeeze in a bit more details than that.
We went to Charleston on the17th to celebrate mine and Dianne's birthdays. It was fun and really nice to see everyone. We ate at Golden Corral and then pigged out on cake, cup cakes, and ice cream. It was yummy. I took a picture of my cup cakes.
My birthday was on the 21st and I had a really wonderful day even though Jimmie wasn't here. Obviously him being here could have made it better, but it was still really fun. He woke me up at 4:30 in the morning just to wish me a happy birthday. =)
I went into work and the time clock told me happy birthday. Ha. Then I got serenaded by Ms. Lucy in English and in Spanish. Allison showed up with a balloon and an adorable little towel since I forgot mine the first day we laid out on the beach. After work, Shannon and Jimmie's mom spoiled me rotten. Not only did they get me two of the best movies ever, Legally Blonde and A Walk to Remember, but they also got me a tote, shorts that say OOH RAH, and they made me a deliciousssss brownie sundae thingy. I don't really want to describe it because it will just make me hungry, but heavenly is a good word for it. Now that I think of it, I should have taken a picture. Shucks.
When I got home, I had the most beautiful flowers waiting for me. Jimmie sent them and I definitely enjoyed them. One rose is still hanging in there and it looks just like it did the day I got it!
My parents also helped make my birthday by getting me what I wanted. An Ipod Touch! I love it, and Allison got me addicted to Words with Friends. It's like a virtual scrabble and it's awesome. If you have a Touch or the phone, download it!
I got another surprise when Jimmie called me again. We got to talk for 45 minutes! The longest phone call of the deployment. It was the highlight of the day, which should speak volumes because I had a really good day. I love him. <3
Around 11, Katie came and delivered my cake! She is great. I'm sure she was exhausted from work, but she still came by to celebrate with me. The cake was amazing, also! It was an almond cake and it had sliced almonds in the middle and on top. I should have also taken a picture of that, too. Well, if you live in Myrtle Beach, stop by Serafino's and order a piece of the almond cake. It is only $2 and it's to die for! So yes, that was my wonderful, fabulous birthday.
Fast forward to now. Besides being able to count down the days on my FINGERS, we have been laying out to look tan for homecoming. I've never been this tan and I never will be again. I'm definitely going to enjoy it while it lasts.
I've been having a blast at work. We never had another group of kids like those, and I am so thankful. Our group size has been smaller within the last few weeks, but that's okay. We find ways to entertain ourselves. Like making the crafts for ourselves!
Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me update on what I've been doing. I've pretty much been sitting, waiting, and working, but I guess I can squeeze in a bit more details than that.
We went to Charleston on the17th to celebrate mine and Dianne's birthdays. It was fun and really nice to see everyone. We ate at Golden Corral and then pigged out on cake, cup cakes, and ice cream. It was yummy. I took a picture of my cup cakes.
Cute, huh?
Jack enjoying one of my birthday cup cakes
My birthday was on the 21st and I had a really wonderful day even though Jimmie wasn't here. Obviously him being here could have made it better, but it was still really fun. He woke me up at 4:30 in the morning just to wish me a happy birthday. =)
I went into work and the time clock told me happy birthday. Ha. Then I got serenaded by Ms. Lucy in English and in Spanish. Allison showed up with a balloon and an adorable little towel since I forgot mine the first day we laid out on the beach. After work, Shannon and Jimmie's mom spoiled me rotten. Not only did they get me two of the best movies ever, Legally Blonde and A Walk to Remember, but they also got me a tote, shorts that say OOH RAH, and they made me a deliciousssss brownie sundae thingy. I don't really want to describe it because it will just make me hungry, but heavenly is a good word for it. Now that I think of it, I should have taken a picture. Shucks.
When I got home, I had the most beautiful flowers waiting for me. Jimmie sent them and I definitely enjoyed them. One rose is still hanging in there and it looks just like it did the day I got it!
The pictures don't do them justice. They were spectacular! The best I have received thus far.
I got another surprise when Jimmie called me again. We got to talk for 45 minutes! The longest phone call of the deployment. It was the highlight of the day, which should speak volumes because I had a really good day. I love him. <3
Around 11, Katie came and delivered my cake! She is great. I'm sure she was exhausted from work, but she still came by to celebrate with me. The cake was amazing, also! It was an almond cake and it had sliced almonds in the middle and on top. I should have also taken a picture of that, too. Well, if you live in Myrtle Beach, stop by Serafino's and order a piece of the almond cake. It is only $2 and it's to die for! So yes, that was my wonderful, fabulous birthday.
Fast forward to now. Besides being able to count down the days on my FINGERS, we have been laying out to look tan for homecoming. I've never been this tan and I never will be again. I'm definitely going to enjoy it while it lasts.
I've been having a blast at work. We never had another group of kids like those, and I am so thankful. Our group size has been smaller within the last few weeks, but that's okay. We find ways to entertain ourselves. Like making the crafts for ourselves!
This is the first picture frame I made. It was for Jimmie, but it turned out kinda ugly. I think I might make another.
I like this one!
I kinda taught myself how to french braid! I'll have to keep working on it. Shannon wants to wear her hair in french braided pig tails for her date with Sean. I'm running out of time! Yay!
And I just want to add this in because it's pretty...

Did I mention tomorrow is August? : )
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