Jimmie proposed to me on September 3rd (Labor Day weekend) and I wasn't expecting it at all. In fact, I told Katie I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen that weekend. Well, surprise! It did. We were just hanging out and he pulls out the ring and asks me. =) And I got to wear it all of two hours until he took it back because he "didn't ask for my dad's permission yet." So I had to go home that night and act like nothing happened because Jimmie was a
So Saturday I was finally able to tell everyone the good news and show them my ring. And let me just say, it is gorgeous! I love it, love it, love it. I make sure to tell him what a good job he did all the time. He rolls his eyes at me for looking at it in the sunlight, but really, he should be flattered. Here are a few pictures. =)
As far as wedding planning goes, it's kind of difficult. I would like to get married before his next deployment but we don't have his training schedule yet. He apparently got a rough estimate of the dates he'll be gone, so I guess I'll see how rough it is when he calls tonight. I have made some choices, though. I want my cake to look like this:
Minus the bow and the pearls. I like the pearls at the bottom of the tiers but I don't know about the rest. I'll probably decide to add some flowers in the corners just so it doesn't look so plain. I have learned that I am a boring, plain, square person. I can't help it, I like simplicity.
And as far as the location, I'm thinking the River Walk in Conway. It is beautifullll. That's all for now!
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