Monday, November 1, 2010

October is over!

But it was nice on its way out. I had a good time with Jimmie this weekend. On Saturday, we ate at Carrabba's and then went to go see Into the Woods at the Theatre of the Republic. It was really good! I'm not much for plays, but I did like this one. There are a lot of talented singer/actors there and I would definitely go again. Even though the play was long, it was good. I want to go see the Christmas show in December. I love Christmas shows. =) Anyway, this is Jimmie and me after the play. I made him take one so we could have one of our four year anniversary (celebrated two days late).

 Halloween was pretty fun, minus Jimmie having to go back to base. I'm sure he was thrilled to miss out on Trunk-or-Treat so he wouldn't have to dress up. I, on the other hand, did not get so lucky, so I ended up going as the Pharaoh's daughter.  I even had my baby in the basket, Moses, of course. This was my favorite bible story when I was little because it combined my two favorite things: princesses and babies! Here are a few pictures. I didn't really take that many, like I should have. I was too busy giving out candy. But anyway, here are a few.
My mommy and me. Ignore the fact that my butterflies are upside down. My face always looks huuuge next to hers.
This is John. He was feeding the dog his potato chips
 He seemed surprised everyone was letting him do it. Cute, huh? =)

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