Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me update on what I've been doing. I've pretty much been sitting, waiting, and working, but I guess I can squeeze in a bit more details than that.
We went to Charleston on the17th to celebrate mine and Dianne's birthdays. It was fun and really nice to see everyone. We ate at Golden Corral and then pigged out on cake, cup cakes, and ice cream. It was yummy. I took a picture of my cup cakes.
Cute, huh?
Jack enjoying one of my birthday cup cakes
My birthday was on the 21st and I had a really wonderful day even though Jimmie wasn't here. Obviously him being here could have made it better, but it was still really fun. He woke me up at 4:30 in the morning just to wish me a happy birthday. =)
I went into work and the time clock told me happy birthday. Ha. Then I got serenaded by Ms. Lucy in English and in Spanish. Allison showed up with a balloon and an adorable little towel since I forgot mine the first day we laid out on the beach. After work, Shannon and Jimmie's mom spoiled me rotten. Not only did they get me two of the best movies ever, Legally Blonde and A Walk to Remember, but they also got me a tote, shorts that say OOH RAH, and they made me a deliciousssss brownie sundae thingy. I don't really want to describe it because it will just make me hungry, but heavenly is a good word for it. Now that I think of it, I should have taken a picture. Shucks.
When I got home, I had the most beautiful flowers waiting for me. Jimmie sent them and I definitely enjoyed them. One rose is still hanging in there and it looks just like it did the day I got it!
The pictures don't do them justice. They were spectacular! The best I have received thus far.
I got another surprise when Jimmie called me again. We got to talk for 45 minutes! The longest phone call of the deployment. It was the highlight of the day, which should speak volumes because I had a really good day. I love him. <3
Around 11, Katie came and delivered my cake! She is great. I'm sure she was exhausted from work, but she still came by to celebrate with me. The cake was amazing, also! It was an almond cake and it had sliced almonds in the middle and on top. I should have also taken a picture of that, too. Well, if you live in Myrtle Beach, stop by Serafino's and order a piece of the almond cake. It is only $2 and it's to die for! So yes, that was my wonderful, fabulous birthday.
Fast forward to now. Besides being able to count down the days on my FINGERS, we have been laying out to look tan for homecoming. I've never been this tan and I never will be again. I'm definitely going to enjoy it while it lasts.
I've been having a blast at work. We never had another group of kids like those, and I am so thankful. Our group size has been smaller within the last few weeks, but that's okay. We find ways to entertain ourselves. Like making the crafts for ourselves!
This is the first picture frame I made. It was for Jimmie, but it turned out kinda ugly. I think I might make another.
I like this one!
I kinda taught myself how to french braid! I'll have to keep working on it. Shannon wants to wear her hair in french braided pig tails for her date with Sean. I'm running out of time! Yay!
And I just want to add this in because it's pretty...

Did I mention tomorrow is August? : )